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WHAT: Auditions for Smet Theatrics' 2025 production of Anything Goes

WHERE: The Culture House Stage & Studio in Oak Park Mall (drive around the mall until you are between Dillard's and Nordstrom; look for the ramp to the upper parking lot)

WHEN: Auditions Thursday, February 6th // Callbacks Saturday, February 8th



- You must sign up for a slot at our Sign-Up Genius in order to be seen at auditions.

- Auditions will take place Thursday, February 6th at the Culture House Stage & Studio in Oak Park Mall from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

- Auditions will be held in individual slots and will include 16-bar cuts of musical theatre music

- Enter Oak Park Mall thru the upper door between Dillard’s and Nordstrom; the Culture House Stage & Studio will be the first shop on your left

- Meet Smet Theatrics Creative Team members Jenell Johnson and Tyler Wilson in the foyer to check in and for instructions

- The Audition Form is included below in Related Links. You may print and fill it out ahead of time or arrive early for your audition slot and fill it out on sight.




- Memorized 16 to 32-bar cut of musical theatre music

- Please provide your own sheet music

- You are welcome to sing a song from Anything Goes! A folder of sheet music you are welcome to use in preparation for the auditions is available here.

- Current resume

- Current headshot

- A full list of expected conflicts (please reference the Schedule Outline included below in Related Links)



- Callbacks are by director invitation only and will take place Saturday, February 8th at the Culture House Stage & Studio in Oak Park Mall from 12 to 4 PM

- Callback list will be e-mailed within 24 hours of auditions and will include a link to a google drive with all callback songs and reads

- Callbacks will begin with a dance call to the song "Blow, Gabriel, Blow" – please wear closed-toe shoes appropriate for dancing

- Vocal callbacks will follow for select roles

- We will conclude with readings from the script

- Full callback details will be included in the callback e-mail

- All callback and casting information will be communicated via e-mail



- The role of Hope Harcourt is already cast -- all other roles are available!

- The roles of Reno Sweeney, Erma, Purity/Chastity/Charity/Virtue, Evangeline Harcourt, Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, Elisha Whitney, Billy Crocker, and Moonface Martin will include stipends. All other roles do not include stipends.​

- we are seeking a cast of about 20 performers

- members of the Ensemble will be highly involved and play multiple roles



You will find the following below in Related Links, which will help answer questions and help you prepare for auditions

- Character Breakdown, including intimacy and dance expectations

- Schedule Outline, including dates, times, and locations

- Audition Form, to be filled out ahead of time and brought with you to auditions (alternatively you may arrive early and fill out on sight!)



If you CANNOT be at auditions but CAN be at callbacks:

- e-mail with a completed audition form, current resume, current headshot & video of yourself singing a 16-bar to 32-bar cut of musical theatre music

- videos may be submitted via google drive links or youtube

- auditions must be submitted BEFORE 5 PM on February 6th

If you CAN be at auditions but CANNOT be at callbacks:

- please sign up and prepare an audition as normal and indicate that you cannot attend callbacks on your audition form

- if you are given a callback, we will send instructions for submitting a callback digitally

If you CANNOT be at auditions OR callbacks:

- e-mail and explain the situation and we will work out a virtual audition/callback combo with you!


- Chelsea Smet, Owner/Artistic Director of Smet Theatrics & Director/Music Director of Anything Goes

- Alyce Wilson, Associate Artistic Director of Smet Theatrics & Choreographer of Anything Goes

- Morgan Stacer, Smet Theatrics Creative Team member & Stage Manager of Anything Goes

- Melanie Grantham, Hope Harcourt in Anything Goes


Contact with any questions








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